​In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the employment landscape has witnessed a significant shift, prompting employers to adapt their strategies to attract and retain Singaporean talent. While offering a competitive salary package remains crucial, companies are now recognising the importance of incorporating non-monetary elements to appeal to job seekers and ensure the loyalty of existing employees.

This article explores the evolving practices of talent attraction and retention, highlighting how employers are going beyond traditional compensation to create a holistic and supportive work environment in the post-pandemic period.

The Power of Competitive Salary Packages

A good salary package has long been a fundamental factor in attracting and retaining top talent. With the rising cost of living and increased awareness of market benchmarks, companies that offer competitive compensation gain an advantage in securing skilled professionals.

A well-structured salary package not only demonstrates an organization's commitment to recognizing employee value but also serves as an incentive for individuals seeking financial stability and professional growth.

Employees are more inclined to stay with a firm that pays them fairly and competitively because it gives them a sense of financial stability and worth. Organisations can reduce the risk of losing bright people to rivals who pay better by aligning compensation with market prices. This eventually saves the organisation money on the costs of recruiting, onboarding, and training new staff.

In addition to reducing turnover, a competitive salary package boosts job satisfaction among employees. When employees feel that they are being fairly compensated for their efforts, they experience a higher level of job satisfaction. This satisfaction positively impacts their engagement, productivity, and overall commitment to the organization. On the other hand, employees who feel undervalued or underpaid are more likely to become disengaged and seek employment elsewhere. Therefore, offering competitive compensation is vital for fostering a positive work environment and retaining valuable talent.

The Rise of Non-Monetary Elements to Retain & Attract Talent

However, in the post-pandemic era, some companies use non-monetary elements in salary packages to appeal to job seekers and retain existing talent. These include a sense of purpose, work-life balance, flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment. Non-monetary elements in salary packages have emerged as powerful tools for appealing to job seekers and keeping existing employees engaged and motivated.

One key non-monetary element that has gained significant popularity is work-life balance. As offices in Singapore open their doors to welcome their staff back, many are pushing back against burnout in favour of pursuing work-life balance. Employees are instead raising the topic on 4-day work week for a greater work-life balance. When one thinks of work-life balance, they will see a seesaw, with the ideal of work and life on both ends exactly level. Work often spills over to weekends, and there comes the worries about "sacrificing" their professions if one has children and takes parental leave.

Professional development and growth opportunities are also becoming increasingly important to employees. Companies that invest in training programs, mentorship initiatives, and career advancement pathways demonstrate their commitment to employee development. By offering avenues for skill enhancement and growth, employers not only attract talent but also is an outlook that provides a clear path for employee’s career progression and personal growth.

Lastly, a positive and inclusive company culture is a significant non-monetary element that can both attract and retain talent. In recent years, the concept of flexible work arrangements, particularly the ability to work from home, has gained significant traction. Companies are increasingly recognising the benefits of remote work and are providing greater flexibility to their employees. This flexibility allows individuals to have a better work-life balance and eliminates the constraints of a traditional office setting.

By embracing remote work, companies can attract and retain talent by offering a desirable work environment that allows employees to work in a way that suits their personal preferences and circumstances. This shift has not only demonstrated the feasibility of remote work but has also highlighted its advantages in terms of increased employee satisfaction, reduced stress, and improved work-life balance. In a recent article by Straits Times, the introduction of Singapore's Tripartite Guidelines for Flexible Work Arrangements is scheduled for 2024, according to Minister of State for Manpower and Education Gan Siow Huang, who also noted the importance of company management's support for the success of such arrangements.


In the post-pandemic era, attracting and retaining Singaporean talent requires a multi-faceted approach. To effectively attract and retain talent nowadays, companies need to realise that they can no longer only rely on creating an attractive salary package that solely focuses on monetary, but also take non-monetary values such as providing greater flexibility to work from home, learning and development and even creating a better work-life balance, such as a 4-day work week, into consideration.

Incorporation of non-monetary elements not only creates appealing work environment that fosters employee loyalty and satisfaction, but also promotes a positive company culture.